
Bsc Hons Fashion Marketing

Lastly, we have our optional life drawing sessions which run every Thursday's afternoon is a great chance to have a little break from spending most of your time in your studio space working on your projects. Going to the life drawing session I have the great chance to see the human figure, as well as being given the fantastic opportunity to draw  explainopedia models. If you study abroad between your second and third year of study, you’ll pay no tuition fee to the partner university and no tuition fee to us either. We’ll ask you to make your decision in your second year, so there is plenty of time to think about it. Between your second and final year, you will have the option to study abroad or do a work placement for a year. This will not only give you an amazing experience to talk about, but you’ll also boost your cv. Civil & Environmental Engineering Phd, Mphil, Mres In addition to the principally fashion-focused curriculum, a range of modules will equip you with the ma

Hnc Fashion Business

This specialist course will arm you with advanced practical sports therapy skills and scientific knowledge, with excellent placement opportunities to test your training in the real world. This Level 3 course introduces you to key concepts in marketing, business, finance and management as well as enabling you to develop practical digital marketing skills, earning you a widely-recognised BTEC National qualification. Our International Tourism Management postgraduate course enables you to develop specialist tourism management skills, with the opportunity to travel overseas on an international project as well as an optional six-month placement. What Types Of Fashion Degrees Can You Study At University? Developing intellectual, innovative approaches to Menswear through the synthesis of theoretical and practical. Students will master traditional and emerging technologies to extend and develop conceptual fashion products and ranges that challenge convention and advance fashion practice wit